civicON is a new event concept, a "attitude festival", which propose that trough discussions, workshopd, expositions and origial cultural interactions to bring the civic implication and critical thinking in the attention of the general public.
civicON 2018
civicON #2 was organised in the period of 7-9 december 2018 under the theme of „democracy2018”.
The guests included artist Ana Kun (Balamuc, Timișoara), journalists like Cristian Delcea (Recorder), Romana Puiuleț (Rise Project), Diana Oncioiu (DE la zero) and representatives of the civil societylike Radu Vancu (Vă Vedem din Sibiu), Elena Calistu (Funky Citizens) or Diana Rus (Diaspora Civică Berlin).
civicON 2017 also meant a series of workshops with the pupils and the students, on themes like the rights of the citizens, artistic expression and communication.
Details about the 2018 edition you can find at http://civicon.forumapulum.ro/.
civicON 2017
The frst edition of civicON was organised in the period of 8-10 december 2017 in partnership with Funky Citizens.
The event brought in Alba Iulia people dedicated to the community and relevand in journalism, civic activism and art, like Attila Biro (Rise Project), Alina Calistru &
Cosmin Pojoranu (Funky Citizens) or Dan Perjovschi.
civicON 2017 also meant a series of workshops with the pupils and the students, on themes like civic attitude, press and fake news or argumentation
civicON 2017 a însemnat și o serie de ateliere cu elevi și studenți, pe teme precum atitudine civică, presă și fake news sau argumentare.
Details about the 2017 edition you can find at http://civicon2017.forumapulum.ro/.