We believe in the European progress of Romania and that the romanian citizens can and must be more involved in building the future of the European Union. We wish to support the involvment and the informing of the youngsters from Romania about what it is to be a european citizen. On one hand, the european citizens can benefit of some european programs for personal and professional developement; on the other hand, they can involve in the building of the European Union, trough participating to elections, trough consultation with european institutes or even trough legislative initiative.
So we are happy to be partners with Centrul de Informare Europe Direct Regiunea Centru,in the „Uniunea mea europeană” project. The project implies organising a informing caravan regarding European Union in schoold from Regiunea Centru, but also the realization of some summarised informational materials, both infographics and digital and a set of animated video clips about how the Union works.
„My European Union” infographics
„My European Union” animations